Forgotten Login Name & Password


 Password_Username instructions 080615Password_Username instructions 080615


Forgotten your password?   (see document above for visual guidance)

Click on LOGIN on the top right hand corner of the Home screen.

Click on REQUEST A NEW PASSWORD underneath the main login box.

Enter the email you used to register on OPALBU.  The system will cross check this against your registration record.

Follow the instructions on screen and a new password will be sent to you.

This is automated system so if you will not receive new password please contact and

we will reset your password manually.


Want to change your password?  (see document above for visual guidance)

Once you have logged in, you can change your password to something that suits you better.

On your active page, click on CHANGE PASSWORD.

Complete the fields as shown and click submit.


Forgotten your username?

Please email and a reminder of your username will be emailed to you.


Office times for

The inbox is only reviewed during office hours

(Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm/Friday 9am-4.30pm)